Full Capacity, LLC is very serious about elevator inspections and so should you. Did you know that according to ConsumerWatch.com (January 8, 2010) “there are an estimated 900,000 elevators in the United States, each serving an average of 20,000 people per year.” That equates to more than 18 billion passenger trips per year and trillions of moving parts. The City of New York Department of Buildings mandates that all elevator owners and property managers MUST have a licensed Elevator Inspection Agency onsite as a third party to witness your elevator company’s inspections. The Department of Buildings has implemented new laws as of 2009 and the fines for noncompliance can exceed $5,000 per elevator cab for specific category tests.

In the past, your contracted independent elevator company would maintain and inspect your elevators as a normal course of business. This practice is no longer allowed and the law views this as a conflict of interest with serious ramifications. Our goal at Full Capacity, LLC is to keep you in compliance and assist your organization by navigating you through the ups and downs of the elevator inspection business.

During these tough economic times we understand the value of savings while focusing on safety and service. Whether you are an elevator owner, property manager or building superintendent, we encourage you to call Full Capacity, LLC for a FREE consultation.

We witness & certify your test
We schedule your inspection
We are fully insured
We prepare, file and hand deliver your
inspection report to the Department of
Buildings (DOB).
We file inspection reports with DOB
within 45 days
Navigating the UPS and DOWNS of the elevator industry